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Monastery of the Shadow Sorcerers, 8th-Level Adventure (5E)

Beneath the blood moon, a dark monastery appears for one night atop a high plateau. Inside its walls, the mighty black lotus flower reaches its full bloom. Can the characters steal inside the monastery, defeat its sorcerous guardians, and claim the blossom before the sun rises? 

Monastery of the Shadow Sorcerers is a fiendish sword-and-sorcery adventure for 8th-level characters. It takes about 4-6 hours to complete and includes:

  • An extra-planar monastery brooding beneath the blood moon

  • Sorcerer-monks who move like smoke and strike with fire and blade

  • Combat cards for each monster, PC, and special treasure

  • High-quality digital maps for use with virtual table tops

Grab this adventure at a reduced price in Legends of the Library, Vol. 1!

Note, this is a digital PDF product that we email to you.

Video walkthrough of the adventure below.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Mark Poulton
Fun and Evocative

Great setting for a one shot. Easy to run but varied NPCs who were fun to use. Used it mostly unmodified for a party of 5 level 7 characters with veteran players. Final battle is probably very swingy and luck dependent with definite TPK potential - i.e. perfect for throw away characters. Very well written and produced.

Selina Provias
Great one-shot and easy to use guide

Just ran this tonight and it was a blast. I made some slight changes for flavor but otherwise largely kept it the same.

The only reason I removed one star was because, other than the numbers, the guide doesn’t explicitly state which area is where. For example, it’ll say there are two doors, one north and one south, but without looking at the numbered map (which I accidentally didn’t print), it’s not clear where those doors lead because the subsequent rooms will just have the number that’s on the map. It’s also not always clear when stairs lead up or down. Would be good to have just a little extra support in the guide so you don’t have to refer to the map all the time.

What I loved about this module though was that it gave me plenty of flexibility so that I could adapt it to the story I had in mind.

This is the one.

First purchase from arcane library but definitely will buy more. Very user friendly and would be top recommendation for first time dm. The PDFs has links to spells and abilities. They also include a video over view. Story was great and my party really enjoyed it, although they really hate statues now. Definitely worth running as a one shot or supplement to a campaign.

Victor Navone
A fun adventure, well-organized, easily portable

I ran this adventure for my family and we all had a good time! Like all Arcane Library adventures, this one is organized and efficient in it's presentation, providing just enough detail on locations and NPCs, while leaving room for improvisation and embellishment. Theres a good balance of exploration, traps & puzzles, social encounters, and combat. The only problem was that my all-too-clever players skipped a lot of the locations, and missed out on most of the lore explaining who the Ras-Godai are and what they want. I was able to fill them in a bit with the NPC Amara, but they never even met the Oni, Janu!
I re-skinned the adventure a bit for the Elemental Chaos theme of our campaign (which includes a healthy dose of Wild Magic for extra entertainment) and swapped out the final boss battle with something more appropriate for my party's size, and they barely escaped with their lives!

Gary Cronk
Please keep it up! Loving everything so far.

Holy crap, I expected a PDF with a decent adventure (I bought three). I did not expect the effort The Arcane Library put into their digital products.
Having a printable version of the PDF as well as combat cards and maps in multiple formats and versions is a wonderful surprise for me as a DM.