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Game Master Screen, Print + PDF (Shadowdark)

This is for the physical print version of the Game Master screen. You also get a free PDF download immediately.

Four panels of wicked art on the back and generation tables on the inside to help you improvise and keep the game moving. 

The tables inside the GM screen are not merely duplicates of the quick-reference material already printed on the inside covers of the Shadowdark RPG book. The screen expands those tables with random encounter details, names, NPC qualities, and a treasure generator!

The screen folds down into a digest size (the same size as the Shadowdark book). It's portable enough to throw into your gaming bag, but big enough to hide all your diabolical Game Master secrets. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 35 reviews
Jeremy Frank
Doesn't tip over!

This is a thick, high quality GM screen. It is cardboard, *not* thin cardstock like many other screens I've picked up. Once unfolded, it will sit exactly where you place it, and won't skitter across the table (or worse, tip over) when bumped. As the description mentions, the screen folds up to about the same height and width as the Shadowdark book, so they look great sitting next to each other on a bookshelf. I like the random tables, especially the NPC tables.

Luke Stigall

Gorgeous reference, durable material, perfectly sized for use at the table!


Pretty much exactly as advertised, which is to say, great random tables no matter the game system.

Radek Liška
Best RPG

It is amazing !!My DM life will be easier with Shadowdark. I like rules, character making. Leveling PC character is great. Everything !! Great work !!!

Logan Yarrington

Love this DM screen quality is great and I love the compact form like the book making it easier to transport. Information on the back is all relevant to story. Including random tables for inspiration on character information and random encounters where the regularity changes based on how dangerous the area is. All right in front of me where I need it. Great stuff.